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Prevent Germs in Your Workplace

Curb the Spread of Germs with Regular Cleaning

A healthy workforce is critical to maintaining business productivity throughout the fall and winter. Which might have you wondering how you can prevent germs in your workplace. With cold and flu season upon us, a regular cleaning routine is one of your best defenses to help limit the spread of germs.

When the temperature drops and the rain sets in, the warm interior of your building offers the perfect environment for germs to thrive. Once brought into the workplace, viruses and other microbes take up residence on high-touch surfaces, where they can quickly multiply and spread from person to person.

Here are our best tips for banishing germs and cultivating a healthy workplace:

Increase cleaning in common areas and on high-touch surfaces.

Boosting the frequency of cleaning during flu season helps cut down on opportunities for germs to spread. The most effective strategy to prevent germs in your workplace is to focus your extra cleaning efforts on common areas and high-touch surfaces. Frequent use means these are the areas where people are more likely to come in contact with microbes. Your janitorial company can work with you to identify these danger zones and adjust your cleaning routine to ensure they receive extra attention.

Schedule a deep cleaning.

How long has it been since your last deep clean? Keeping surfaces disinfected is one way to push back against pathogens, but don’t forget about the nooks and crannies where germs like to hide. Carpets and other soft surfaces, for example, are notorious for harboring bacteria and other microbes. Starting the season with a deep cleaning helps root out those germs before they have the chance to multiply.

Keep microbes at bay with electrostatic spraying.

If you want to put some muscle behind your cleaning routine, electrostatic spraying is a robust method to prevent germs in your workplace. Electrostatic sprayers apply an antimicrobial coating on surfaces throughout your building. It is a safe, swift and cost-effective way to repel pathogens—often for weeks at a time. On some surfaces the effects can last up to 90 days.

Adding regular electrostatic spraying to your fall and winter cleaning schedule can significantly affect the health of your workforce and help keep business operations running smoothly.

Keep a well-stocked cleaning cabinet.

For best results, encourage your employees to keep a lid on germs during the day, when the cleaners aren’t around. Choose a central location for cleaning supplies, and keep it stocked with essentials: hand sanitizer, disinfecting spray, paper towels and backup bathroom supplies. Adding supply ordering to your monthly cleaning bill is an efficient and cost-effective way to ensure ample supplies throughout the winter.

Make sure everyone knows where the cleaning supplies are located and encourage frequent use by reminding people to wipe down shared surfaces. 

Make germs unwelcome in your building.

The battle against microbes is ongoing—and your janitorial company is your front line. Schedule a free consultation with us to find out how Cleansolution can partner with you to develop an effective germ-fighting strategy.