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5 cleaning supplies that prevent COVID-19 and other unwanted germs

While a growing number of organizations are closing their doors to prevent the spread of COVID-19, not everyone has that option. For those who continue to work on site, good hygiene and a clean workplace are the top two ways to protect against the virus. We’ve rounded up cleaning supplies that prevent COVID-19 that are often common in most workplaces.


While alcohol-based disinfectants can kill the coronavirus, soap remains the most effective way to rid the virus from your hands. Why?

“The short story: Because the virus is a self-assembled nanoparticle in which the weakest link is the lipid (fatty) bilayer. Soap dissolves the fat membrane and the virus falls apart like a house of cards and dies—or rather, we should say it becomes inactive as viruses aren’t really alive,” says chemistry professor Pall Thordarson.

A small amount of soapy water is enough to cover your hand and break the bond between the virus and your skin. This is why it’s important to urge employees to wash their hands often throughout the workday. Keep soap dispensers stocked at all times.

Hand sanitizer

While handwashing stations are ideal for promoting good hygiene, they’re not always practical. In a pinch, hand sanitizer can provide a more convenient alternative. Dispensers can be placed almost anywhere, including at the entrance so employees can clean their hands as soon as they arrive. Choose a product that contains at least 60 percent alcohol, suggests the CDC, and “place hand rubs in multiple locations or in conference rooms to encourage hand hygiene.”

Paper Hand Towels

The coronavirus can travel up to 27 feet on a cough or sneeze, one MIT researcher found—far enough even to overcome six-foot social distancing guidelines. As we enter peak allergy season, encouraging employees to cover their coughs and sneezes is vital.

Using a tissue or hand towels to block forceful exhalations is more effective at preventing the spread of the coronavirus even than wearing a face mask, according to the World Health Organizations. That’s because the virus can accumulate on a face mask all day, whereas a tissue is typically used once and thrown away.

Disinfectant wipes

The more you clean high-touch areas in your workplace—such as keyboards—the better your chances of fending off the coronavirus. Empower employees to protect themselves and their workstations from the disease by making disinfectant wipes available at all times. At minimum, these surfaces should be wiped down at the beginning and end of each shift. But it’s also helpful for employees to be able to clean them anytime.

No-touch dispensers

Providing no-touch dispensers adds another layer of protection. The fewer surfaces employees must touch when washing their hands, the fewer opportunities there are for viruses to spread. A few examples of no touch fixtures are soap dispensers, hand towel dispensers and water faucets

As employees wash their hands more, you’re likely to see an uptick in the amount of bathroom supplies used. You may need to increase the frequency of janitorial services in restrooms, break rooms and other common areas.

Although researchers are working on a cure for COVID-19, so far these common, low-tech cleaning supplies that prevent COVID-19 remain your best weapon against the virus. Keeping them abundantly stocked and easily accessible can help ensure a cleaner, healthier workplace.

If you are a Portland, Oregon or Northern Virginia business and need help sourcing these items contact us today. We offer supply procurement services to all our routine customers.